Full text of ' Armenian Folklore Bibliography ANNE M. AVAKIAN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley Los Angeles London UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS: CATALOGS AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES Editorial Board: Roger B. Richard Blanchard, Linda Corey Claassen, Vinton Dearing, James Deetz, Robert D. Harlan, John V. Richardson Jr., John W.
Tanno Volume 1 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS, LTD. LONDON, ENGLAND ©1994 BY THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Avakian, Anne M., 1906- Armcnian folklore bibliography / Anne M. — (University of California publications. Catalogs and bibliographies; v.
11) Includes index. ISBN 0-520-09794-7 (alk. Folklore — Armenia — Bibliography.

Armenia — Social life and customs — Bibliography. Z5984.A [GR203.12] 016.398’09566’2 — dc3 CIP The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences — Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z. This material is presented solely for non-commercial educational/research purposes. For Professor Alan Dundes who persuaded me to compile this bibliography. I have learned things about my culture that I would not have known if I had retired to a comfortable retirement home to await transport to a distant galaxy. For the memory of my mother who taught me to read the Armenian language. Contents Foreword by Alan Dundes Preface and Acknowledgments Introduction Abbreviations Armenian Folklore Bibliography Index ix xi xv xxvii 1 197 vii Foreword The Armenians are a truly ancient people with a language and culture dating back to many centuries before the Christian era.
Nokia 2700 sbros na zavodskie nastrojki lyrics. They lived in their homeland in Anatolia, but for several hundreds of years they were subject to Ottoman rule. During World War I, the Armenians were decimated by massacres and deportations, all of which amounted to virtual genocide. From that time on, the Armenian people — those who survived — were forced to live in exile.
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Refugees from the 1915 disaster either went to Armenian communities in Russia or to sanctuaries farther abroad. So whereas before World War I, an Armenian ethnographic society had flourished and part of its efforts included the collection of folklore, the work of this society came to an end during World War I. A glimmer of hope for those espousing a nationalistic reestablishment of an Armenian state or homeland occurred with the creation of the Republic of Armenia (1918-20) in Erevan, but that dream was short-lived because Armenia became a part of the Soviet Union in 1921. The situation remained unchanged until September of 1991 when the Republic of Armenia emerged again, this time as a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Despite the undoubted antiquity of Armenian folklore, most 20th-century folklorists know relatively little about it. There are several reasons for this. Armenian folklorists have tended to write about their folklore in Armenian and few non- Armenian folklorists can read that language.