Apr 30, 2018 - The Faro 3D Scanner uses lasers to capture millions of data points to create a three-dimensional snapshot of a crime or crash scene. Online solutions manual.

FARO Technologies Scene (x64) 494 Mb SCENE – FARO’s 3D Documentation software is specifically designed for the FARO Focus3D and Freestyle3D. SCENE processes and manages scanned data easily and efficiently by using automatic object recognition as well as scan registration and positioning. SCENE can also generate high-quality colourised scans very quickly, while providing the tools for automated target-less scan positioning. This point-cloud software for scanners is extremely user-friendly, from simple measuring to 3D visualization to meshing and exporting into various point cloud and CAD formats.

Once SCENE has prepared the scan data, you can commence evaluation and further processing right away. Scan projects can even be published on a web server at the touch of a button with SCENE WebShare Cloud.

The SCENE WebShare Cloud is a secure cloud-based solution for storing and sharing scanning data with different project partners. Download Via RapidGator Download Via SecureUpload http://www.secureupload.eu/k2mgc0b7pkc2/itpcp.FARO.Technologies.Scene.

File Naming When setting up a larger project on a scanner, it is a good idea to identify areas that can be grouped as scan clusters to make registration easier. You can set project and subproject names in Manage > Projects/Clusters. Give each scanning project, and folders within the project, names with meaning. For example, a case or job number, client name or number, or street locations. A multi-story building project could have the following file structure: The easiest way to create this file structure on the scanner is to add subprojects and let the scanner automatically name each subproject and each scan. Artificial Targets Registration requires unique features in the scan location which can be used to align scans (angular road signs, doors, lamp posts, etc.).

Locations, like a flat stretch of road or angular rooms require artificial targets to aid the scan registration process. Target spheres can be placed in almost any location and can be scanned from any angle, making them a versatile choice for sites that lack surfaces to which paper targets can be attached. FARO spheres are rigorously produced and ideal for projects with a stricter accuracy threshold. Checkerboard targets can easily be printed, labeled, and resized as needed, but they also must be attached to a flat surface and placed perpendicular to the scanner. Coded markers function like checkerboards but contain an optical barcode with a unique number. These unique markers help determine the scan location and ease automatic registration.


They can be printed after installing SCENE from RegistrationMarkers RegistrationMarkersA4.pdf. Target Placement Artificial Target Guidelines • At least three targets are required for registration. (Two, if using sensor data, such as the inclinometer.) • Arrange targets so that there is a clear line of sight from the scanner to the targets. • Ensure that each target is visible from more than one scanner position. • Arrange targets in unique patterns in three dimensions by varying the height and spacing of the targets. • Do not move the targets during the scanning process.

• For more information, read the target section of the. See Also • • •. Number of Scanner Positions Minimizing scanner positions will reduce scanning time and ensure point data is captured adequately.

Use a site sketch to identify optimal scanning locations. Place the scanner in positions where each scan will overlap with another scan. Scan areas should contain unique natural targets to help register the scans. Keep in mind that a full 360° scan may not be necessary every time, depending on the object of interest. Be sure to scan transition areas like doorways to aid registration. Scan Quality Scan quality refers to the number of measurements the scanner makes to confirm point data. Increasing this setting increases scan accuracy but also increases scan time.