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I have a Bonanza that at one time had a Century IIB Installed in it and I still have the STC in my paper work. My question is does anyone know where I could find an installation manual to properly reinstall a.
For the best info, obtain a free copy of 'Manual 68S72' from: Century Flight Systems PO Box 610 Municipal Airport Mineral Wells TX 76067 The left knob is the 'Roll Trim Control'. It provides fine trim adjustment to stop heading drift. The right knob is the 'Turn Command Control'.
The detent in the middle is for level flight. Turn it either left or right to establish and hold up to a standard rate turn. ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------- Michael Gillespie Voice 204.925.9000 Flying Colors Pilot Training Flying Colors Precision Flight Team --- No good deed will go unpunished. --+-- Standard Disclaimers Apply --- Brant Hohnstein 31/7/2000, 0:00 น. I downloaded the instruction manual for my Century I last month at Unfortunatly when I just now went to check out this URL it did not work. Give it a try in a day or two. Brant Hohnstein 'John Benjamin' wrote in message news:uO8h5.60884$V34.598323@news1.sttls1.wa.home.com.
> Our 182Q has a Century 1 autopilot but we have no manual for it. Can anyone > give me an overview of how the two knobs on the turn and bank indicator are > used? > > thanks, John > > Mark S. Jennings 31/7/2000, 0:00 น.
I have a Century I on my Husky. It is a course tracker/wing leveler only. It will make slight turns and stay on track. These are called Single Axis.
Mine is a 1996 model. The 'brains' are in the Turn and Bank and there are a couple of switches. Vishnu hd video songs free download. I suspect your servos are in your wings. It does not do altitude select or altitude hold. It will not track a glideslope, (but will track the localizer). The right hand knob, when the unit is set to track a course from the VOR, GPS or DG heading bug, should be pushed in.
If you pull it out, you can now turn the airplane to the right or to the left using the knob, which then causes the servos to turn the aircraft. Set it for a standard rate turn and the airplane will hold standard rate until you move it! The left hand knob 'trims' the autopilot to the right or left. Mine does not seem to do anything at all though, turn it all the way left and all the way right, nothing happens. I believe it has a 'In for high sensitivity' and 'out for low sensitivity'. Doesn't make any difference that I have found.