The book Eragon is famous mostly because it was written by a 15-year-old. The movie version, released to nearly unanimous poor reviews, shows why you shouldn’t make movies based on books by 15-year-olds. And the game version of Eragon demonstrates that you shouldn’t make games based on movies based on books by 15-year-olds. Game PC Link Just paste of download links. Monday, June 22, 2015. Eragon RIP Download Eragon RIP Redirecting. For Downloading game CLick the download button.

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Download Eragon Free Pc Game Full Version.While hunting in The Spine, fifteen-year-old Eragon finds a mysterious blue stone. He keeps it, thinking that it can be sold or bartered. However, the stone is actually a dragon egg.

Eragon names the dragon Saphira on account of her colour and the fact that the town story teller Brom suggests dragon names and Saphira is one of them. Saphira ‘s hatching attracts the attention of the cruel king Galbatorix. The king dispatches servants to Eragon ‘s village to find the dragon. They are unsuccessful and Eragon ‘s uncle is killed and his home burned down. Brom, whom Eragon considers as nothing more than an old storyteller, helps him fight his way out of the village. He then gives Eragon an old sword.

Game Eragon adalah game yang bertemakan Action Adventure dimana pemain yang mengambil peran sebagai Eragon ke dalam dunia sihir yang berbasis tempur dan combo, termasuk bergerak finishing, bergulat, dan serangan counter, game ini lebih bercerita tentang perjalanan dari desa Carvahall ke rumah Farthen Dur dalam sebuah petualangan yang didasarkan pada filmnya. Di game ini pemain dapat melakukan serangan dengan panah, pedang, dan sihir. Sebagai contoh, Eragon dapat mendorong atau menarik musuh ke arahnya atau knock off penyerangan.Untuk kemampuan sihirnya memungkinkan dia untuk memanipulasi lingkungannya dengan membuat jalan ke daerah-daerah yang sebelumnya tidak terjangkau.

Selama petualangan, pemain dapat meminta bantuan dari Saphira, naga Eragon, untuk menyelesaikan tujuan udara dan memberikan serangan dari langit selama pertempuran jarak dekat di tanah. Dalam penerbangan, pemain langsung gerakan naga, memberikan swipes ekor dan bola api lawan sebagai Saphira. Penasaran dengan Free Download Pc Game Eragon RIP Compressed gratis ini.

Eragon Genre: Fantasy Action Adventure Eragon the video game is based on the movie, which itself is based on the book of the same name. It’s a typical fantasy world full of dragons, wizards, and magic, which would seem to lend itself well to a video game adaptation in the vein of the very good series of Lord of the Rings action games that came out alongside those movies.

In fact, the Eragon game bears a striking resemblance to those Lord of the Rings games, which only makes sense because the games were all developed by the same company. But while the Lord of the Rings games were well-polished action games, Eragon feels unfinished and lazily thrown together.

It’s the same basic hack-and-slash principle that’s readily accessible to just about any fan of the film, but Eragon feels likea skeleton of a game that’s been padded out with some licensed content. There’s not nearly enough to make the game interesting or even remotely worth playing, though. The action is mindless and repetitive at best, and buggy and unresponsive at worst.

In addition, the presentation ranges from bland to ugly, the game is short, the fixed camera angles are frustrating, and there is no online play. Even for a straightforward action game, Eragon has very little to offer.