[global] netbios name = SQUID security = ADS realm = YOUR.DOMAIN password server = AD.YOUR.DOMAIN workgroup = yourdomainname encrypt passwords = yes idmap uid = 0 idmap gid = 0 winbind enum users = yes winbind enum groups = yes template homedir = /home/%D/%U template shell = /bin/bash winbind use default domain = yes # stop the client from becoming domain master domain master = no local master = no preferred master = no os level = 17 domain logons = no client ntlmv2 auth = yes. This file is to each his own.

Just make sure you have ldap settings correcty configured; #Configuration pour l'authentification LDAP ldapbinddn cn=administrator, ou=Tec, ou=Informatique, ou=MER - Merignac, ou=Utilisateurs, dc=your, dc=domain ldapbindpass password Also, when adding a group use this ldap syntax to get your group info on AD; ldapusersearch ldap://ip_of_AD:3268/dc=exemple,dc=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(memberOf=CN=Groupname%2cOU=Location1%2cOU=Location%2cOU=Users%2cDC=exemple%2cDC=com)) DO NOT USE SPACES!! Use%20 to represent a space. Its possible that I muddled some steps up. So if 'it doesnt work', its more than likely because of that. Another way to see wheather Kerberos is connecting with AD is to type 'wbinfo -g'. This will show all your groupes in AD. Good luck to all of you;-) A few troubleshooting tips; If ever you see 'could not obtain winbind separator!'

Oct 12, 2018 - Squid 2.6 for Windows - Legacy; Squid 2.7 for Windows. Based parental control (French) Windows port of squidGuard (Sourceforge project). Install and Configure SquidGuard Overview It is very useful to be able to block users on your network from accessing millions of websites with nefarious content. A great way to accomplish this is with a proxy server like Squid.

Be careful what VK Clark offers you to smokeVK Clark has always had a thang for weird men. She has basically been a MILO groupie for a year, is. VK Clark - 'A man's penis should go in a man's mouth!' Ven Activists Are Pleading With VK to Shut Down Groups Dedicated to Sexual Assault Russian activists say VK isn't doing enough to shut down the violent groups.

After you ran '/usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-basic', it's probally due to a previledge problem on the /var/log/squid3/cache.log file. So run 'chmod 777 -R /var/run/samba/winbindd_privileged' to rectify this issue. I haven't been able to make this work with a transparent proxy. Apparently browsers won't allow this.

See: see 'Why can't I use authentication together with interception proxying?' I have to ask; what is the point in doing this without a transparent proxy? All a user has to do is not use the proxy. I guess you could push the proxy through GPO but there are surely ways around this (I'm guessing that people can use stand-alone browsers which don't respect the proxy set by GPO in Internet Settings). All I can think of is this: egress filter outgoing web traffic on the firewall.

Allow only outgoing web traffic from the proxy.