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Following the two oil crises of the 1970s, NEDO was established in 1980 to promote the development and introduction of new energy technologies. Since then, NEDO has become one of the largest public research and development management organizations in Japan and has worked with the government to promote economic and industrial policies. In this capacity, NEDO undertakes technology development and demonstration activities to carry out the two basic missions of addressing energy and global environmental problems and enhancing industrial technology by integrating the combined efforts of industry, academia, and government. Interpol our love to admire full album torrent youtube. In order to further promote such activities, NEDO’s Technology Strategy Center was established in April 2014. It is designed to formulate technology development strategies with a medium-to long-term perspective, and plan and propose new projects which incorporate its strategies. In addition, a new project manager system has also been introduced not only to improve management capabilities but also to enhance NEDO’s role as an intermediary to facilitate the commercialization of innovative technology seeds.
NEDO’s Fourth Five-Year Plan began in April 2018. In consideration of current trends in the industrial technology, innovation, energy, and environment areas, NEDO will carry out the plan with a focus on its three pillars of achieving results for practical use through technology development management, fostering technology-based startups, and providing a new direction for mid- and long-term technology development. First, as a specific effort to achieve results for practical use through technology development management, NEDO is striving to further strengthen its management capability to promote challenging research and development activities based on technology strategies. This is expected to help realize maximum results and quickly produce practical applications utilizing such results. Second, NEDO will develop and implement various support measures to foster technology-based startups, including assistance for formulating project plans, thereby finding people with great potential to create innovative new industries. With the aim of facilitating open innovation derived from research and development projects, NEDO will also establish a system to provide consistent support from the seed phase to practical application.
NEDO’s aim is to serve as a public-private support hub for venture businesses through cooperation and the exchange of information with other public support organizations. Third, a new direction for mid- and long-term technology development will be established, which will lead to cultivation and practical use of innovation in the future. Technology development strategies utilizing Japan’s competitive advantages will also be formulated by anticipating innovation trends faster and more accurately than in other countries. NEDO will then plan and carry out industry-academia-government collaborative projects. It is hoped that technological innovation now being developed during the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be incorporated to establish new energy and industrial systems.
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Society 5.0 is also expected to be realized. To this end, NEDO will continue to make every effort in accordance with its Five-Year Plan so as to contribute to society by providing opportunities to produce innovation through industry-academia-government collaboration and achieving results in a timely manner.