ROM Download for PSX Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha ISO.
Beat Original Mode four times with Bison II and on any difficulty level. Once you do that, go to Arena Mode and one of your options reads Vs. Bison II, select that and you will battle Bison II himself where you can choose up to four fighters on your team(single player only). If one of your team fighters has been defeated, the next fighter will approach to fight. If one of your team fighters loses and Bison II doesn't have a full life bar, he will then heal himself a bit before the next team fighter is up for battle. The following order of team fighters goes: the 1st team fighter on the Character Select Screen you choose will be the leader of the team, which will fight last.
The 2nd fighter you choose will be the 1st one to fight. The 3rd chosen fighter will fight 2nd and the last one you have chosen will fight 3rd.
If your team leader is the only one left, your combo meter will be full. If you beat Bison II, your team leader will get all fame and glory and you have the option to battle again. Vulcano Rosso's Canassa attack may seem like a simple hand-raise, but if you time it right, you can see what it can really do. If your opponent counter-attacks you from above, use your Canassa with the light-kick button and it will bring the attack back to him/her.
If your opponent counter- attacks you while standing, use your Canassa with the medium-kick button to bring the attack back, but it makes the Canassa more powerful. It goes with the same for lower counter-attacks, instead attack with the Canassa with the hard-kick button and it again brings the attack back, but is worth the same damage as a grab. This also may also work with Hokuto's Gokyakuko and Nanase's Tenshou- Kon. Select any character who can fire energy blasts, waves, etc. Then fire your Hadouken, whatever repeatedly and if they block it, keep on firing. Your opponents will get so sick of your attack that he/she will jump over it, towards you, you then can do your special uppercut, Somersault Kick, etc.(any fighter can do special uppercuts if they have the ability to shoot energy blasts) and your opponent will be knocked on the ground (it only works on computers). Keep on doing that until your opponent is defeated.
Not only is it cheap, but it raises your combo meter dramaticly. Another way is to keep on grabbing. To make a Critical Parade work, it has to be a tag battle.
First you need four combo gauges, two for each fighter. Once you have that, press a quarter rotation down-right-up with the directional buttons and change by pressing high punch, high kick at the same time and all in one command (this command is ment for fighters facing right), this could be used for any fighter.
Then you will see the background change into a booming effect and both fighters on your team fighting at the same time with unlimited super combos for a certain amount of time(about 5 seconds). If you are playing the HARD trial on Character edit mode and you are having a hard time destroying all the enemies before 1 second, hears what ya need ta do. Get to the second set of moves given to you buy using my first cheat and save up about 600 EXP points. Then go to the last move and it should be NEKETSU HADOKEN. Buy that and put it as your meteor combo in the EDIT mode. Then go to that mission and you should be able to kill them within the time limit.
And trust me, if you're not too good you won't get it on the first try so try and try again! These combos can only be performed with certain combinations of characters.
They require a Tag Gauge and a level 3 Super Combo Gauge. Baza dannih magazina avtozapchastej 10. Here are some of the characters combinations with their moves.
The commands are listed assuming the characters are facing to the right.