Skin infection between buttocks (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of 'Skin infection between buttocks', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Buttock symptoms (type of symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Skin infection between buttocks' may be possible. Pilonidal disease is a a recurrent or persistent infection of the skin and underlying tissue at the top of the cleft of the buttocks (crease or “crack”). The infection leads to the formation of a cyst, abscess or long passages (sinus tracts).

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Causes of Butt crack rash: Butt crack rash Image source: There are so many causes of butt crack rash. It is usually cracked due to excessive dryness on the part of the skin. It has zero moisture content on the skin part. The condition is often characterized by itchiness on the part of the skin. Though this infection can come and go without any form of treatment being induced, it is often advisable that you have your physician check it. Butt crack rash sometimes comes as a symptom of other Illness hence the more you should consult a physician. These symptoms can be dealt with at an early stage and prevent further implications from the butt crack rash.

Butt crack rash can be a symptom of other infections that can be fungal or viral. They manifest themselves in the form of rashes that protrudes slightly above the skin. They are dry and cracked on the top surface and sometimes can cut across the skin. Amongst many other causes of a butt crack rash are; • Contact dermatitis • Atopic dermatitis • Heat rash • Genital herpes • Shingles • Keratosis pilaris • Intertrigo • Psoriasis • Jock itch (ringworm) • Lichen sclerosus • Folliculitis • Candida skin infection • Incontinence Contact dermatitis: Contact dermatitis is an infection that is caused by the skin coming into contact with an irritant. Skin irritants are substances that cause an itch on the skin.

The name contact dermatitis is directly named from the cause of the infection. The dermis is a skin layer. When this part of the skin comes into contact with the skin, it gets inflamed.

Contact dermatitis is grouped into two subgroups; allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic content dermatitis is a type of dermatitis that is caused when the dermis part of skin comes into contact with the allergens. Some of the common allergens are; pollens, plants, medication, chemical additives- air fresheners, cleaning agents like detergents, fertilizers and pesticides. Irritant contact dermatitis is a type of dermatitis that causes irritation on the dermis upon contact of this irritant substances. Symptoms: Common symptoms of this problem include; • Itchiness • Redness • Swelling • Dryness of the skin • Scaly skin parts • Blisters • Painful sores • Skin tenderness Genital herpes: Genital herpes is a type of sexually transmitted infection that is transmitted through sexual contact.


Symptoms of this infection include a dry butt crack rash. A virus causes it. This disease usually spread eventually to the other parts of the body from that point where it entered the body. Peachtree sage 50pro accounting 2013 serial number free. Symptoms of genital herpes include; • Scabs • Small red bumps • Itchiness on the areas around the genitals • Bleeding from ulcers • Small red bumps heal and leave behind a butt crack rash on the place of infection. Keratosis pilaris: Keratosis pilaris is a rare skin disorder that causes round small acne-like protrusion on the skin surface.