Research for this article was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK (AH/J00362X/1), and the British Academy (SG101445). I am especially grateful to the staff at the Russian State Library and the Scientific Archive of the Russian Academy of Education in Moscow for their assistance in providing the necessary sources. I would also like to thank, for their feedback and support, Catriona Kelly, Aleksei Obukhov, Vitalii Bezrogov, Fadhila Mazanderani, and the two anonymous referees who assessed the manuscript for The Russian Review. Parent diaries of child development and early upbringing–sometimes referred to as “mothers' diaries”–are an important source in the historiography of Russian childhood. The article situates the production of Russian parent diaries, as practice and discourse, in the history of the Russian child study movement between the 1880s and the 1930s. It traces the key socio‐cultural and professional contexts in which parent diaries were initially promoted in Russia between the Great Reforms and the First World War. It discusses in greater detail two diaries published in the mid‐1910s (those of A.

Levonevskii and E. Krichevskaia) as examples of very different kinds of positioning of Russian parents on the boundaries of expertise in early child development, care and education ( vospitanie). It then analyzes the way in which some Russian psychologists (especially N. Rybnikov) enrolled parental diary‐keeping as an “objective” methodology in psychology in the late 1910s‐early 1920s.

In this context, it examines, as a counter‐example, the idiosyncratic framing of the diary written by V. Rybnikova‐Shilova (1923), in which, unusually, maternal subjectivity was explicitly built into the scientific legitimacy of a child development diary. The conclusion sketches out the fate of parent diaries, especially as a method and genre of psychology, up until and beyond the 1936 liquidation of Soviet pedology under Stalin. Crack scene from boogie nights.

Catalogs: 15 1926 Ashet (Paris) 1959 Ahda Artzt Gallery (New York) 16 1936 Biblioteka Znanie (Paris) n.d. Chapelle Orthodoxe (Paris) 1946-1947 Exhibition of the King's Pictures (London) 1959 Fellner, H. (London) 17 1953 Four Continent Book Corporation (New York) n.d. Izdatel'stvo (Paris) 1952 Ideal Bookstore (New York) 18 1960-1961 Kersha Books (New York) 19 1925-1926 Kratkii Katalog Russkikh Knig (Paris) 20 1926 Feb Logos (Berlin) 21 n.d. Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga (USSR) 22 1929 Feb-Apr -'- 23 1929 May-Jun -'- 8 24 1929 Jul-Sep Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga (USSR) 25 1929 Oct-Dec -'- 26 1930 Jan-Feb -'- 27 1930 Mar -'- 28 1930 Apr -'. 29 1946-1948 -'- 30 n.d. Russkaia Kniga (Revel) 31 1926 Russkii Golos (Czechoslovakia) 1954 Russkii Kustar' (San Francisco) 32 1926-1927; Russkaia Starina (Prague) 19-1931 -'- 34 1932 -'- 35 n.d.

Iskoristenost na veb sajtovi. Najbitnite raboti sto moze da gi napravite koga sozdavate nov veb sajt Dali e bitno korisnicite da se snaogjaat so navigacijata na sajtot: da, bitno e. A creditnite milioneri si stroiat gracki kolonadi i biblioteki nad garajite - Briddlepath excess. Doshal choveka ot india i se kefi che shte raboti kato.

Behind the scenes of the Trump campaign's 5G network plan. 3 hours ago / Politics. House to vote on sweeping anti-corruption package. 3 hours ago / Politics. John Bolton tries to play clean up after Trump's Otto Warmbier remarks. Eastern Europe is shrinking before our eyes. Plan meropriyatij po pozharnoj bezopasnosti na predpriyatii obrazec e. The aim of this report is to inform the management and staff of MoJ BiH on the implementation of the Medium-Term Strategic Plan of MoJ BiH (MoJ BiH MTSP) in 2015. METHODOLOGY OF THE REPORT DEVELOPMENT This report is developed on the basis of data collected from MoJ BiH organizational units.

(USA) 1928; 1930 Slavianskaia Vzaimnost' (Belgrade) 36 1908-1915 Starye Gody – subscription forms Journals and Journal Clippings: 9 1 1948 Bor'ba, #14-16 2 1949 - ' -, #1-5 3 1949 - ' -, #8-12 4 1949 - ' -, addendum 9 5 1933-1937 Cherpachek 6 1958 Jan Current History 7 1933; 1938 Illiustrirovannaia Rossiia 1934 Mar 22 Illiustrirovannaia zhizn' 1917 Iskry. 8 1947 Jedinaia tserkov' 1929 Kazachii zhurnal 9 1946 The Living Church n.d. Luch Rossii 10 1954 Miloserdnyi Samarianin 1961 The Mood of the Russian People – a special supplement of Harper's 1921 Nov Na chuzhbine 1924 Aug Nash mir 11 1924 Mar-Apr Nauka i zhizn' 12 1936 Aug 1 Novaia Rossiia 1941 Sep 17 Novaia zhizn' 13 1934 Osnovy 1906 Poliarnaia zvezda 1947 May Pravoslavnaia Rus' 14 1948 Sep 3 Radio 48 9 14 1932 Mar Revizor 1931 May Rossiia 1957 Rossiiskii demokrat (3 copies) 15 1934 Jul; Sep Russkii ochag (with A. Remizov's inscription to N. Zaretskii) 1930-1931 Russkii sokol'skii vestnik 1938 Jul 1 Russkii vestnik. 16 1924-1925 Svobodnaia Rossiia 17 1930 Jul Teatr i zhizn' 1922 Vsemirnaia illiustratsia 18 1949 Zapiski obshchestva russkikh zarubezhnykh iuristov 19 1930 Apr Zhizn' i sud (2 copies) 20 1930 Jul-Sep - ' - 21 1930 Oct - ' - 22 1930 Nov - ' - 23 1930 Dec - ' - 24 1956 May-Jun Znamia Rossii -1927 Zveno 31 n.d.; 1929 Journal clippings 19-1953; -'- 9 33 1953-1958 Journal clippings Leaflets: 10 1 1912; 1932 - Anniversaries 1950 2 n.d.; 1923 - Announcements 1924; 1932 - 1938 3 1921-1934; Charities 1951-1953. 13 1914 Jun 14 Den' 1915 Mar 20 Russkoe slovo 1917 Mar 1 Moskovskiia vedomosti 1918 Feb 14 Nash vek 1918 May 16 Novyi den' 1918 May 24 Novaia zhizn' 1918 Jun 7 Svoboda Rossii 1919 Dec 25 Russkoe vremia 14 1921-1928; Poslednie novosti 15 1929 Jan-Feb -'- 16 1929 Mar-Apr -'- 17 1929-1939 -'- 18 1940 -'- 1924; 1926 - Gazety-odnodnevki – Den' russkoi 1927; 1937; kul'tury, Pushkin (2 copies), Nashe vremia 1948; 1955 1924 Jul-Dec Nash mir 1926 May 2 Russkomu mal'chiku 1926 Dec 10 Rassvet 1927-1937 Vozrozhdenie 1929 Segodnia.