(A little interlude I wrote in between other projects. Daily captions will be back soonish™.) Sharing Is Caring. “C'mon Jason, give the Speedo back, you've had it for long enough.” Dan's nasally voice bemoaningly wailed.
Jason looked up from his sunbathing spot, his awesome muscularity shimmering nicely in the sunlight. It took Jason a second to reacquaint to himself with his surroundings after his nap in the sun, and as became clear while he looked down to his massive outward jutting pecs, he had to take a few seconds to re familiarize himself with his body too. His sleepy face made place for a huge grin while he bounced the massive meaty globes that made up his pecs up and down. With the smirk that grew on his face while he inspected more and more of his bulging muscles you'd almost get the ridiculous, biology breaking, unheard-off thought he'd only been a hunk for a day. This wasn't the case of course. He'd only been looking like a god of masculinity and sex for less than an hour.
Jason's self worship was interrupted by Dan's annoying voice. “Aren't you big enough yet? C'mon Jason, we all paid for the magic Speedo. You're being a bad friend.” The small man demanded. Jason looked at the yellow Speedo he was referring too. It was looking awfully snug around his large and bulging package. Just a few hours ago Jason had been as pathetic looking as Dan himself.
Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. Retrieved 2011-03-26.
The token black friend in a group of nerds. He'd been elected to test out the Speedo they had ordered from a witchcraft and curse website. All the friends had to sacrifice their college funds in order to the buy the item, and yet none of other friends had dared to put on the magic item first, fearing it's incomprehensibly noted effects or how it might mess with their asthma medicine. Now that they had seen their scrawny and weedy black friend slowly inflate next to the pool to the biggest hunk any of them had seen for the past hour those inhibitions were completely out of the window however. “Stop being selfish and share the thing already.” Dan demanded.
Jason considered those words for a few seconds. He had always despised Dan's bossy attitude, but he had been even scrawnier than twerpy Dan and had been too afraid to say anything. Obviously there was a change in that now. Jason jumped up to his full height, looming and towering over the smaller man. Programma anatomiya cheloveka 3d na russkom. Dan's 5'10 height was looked at with jealousy in the group of nerds but it didn't get him much further than a view of big black man's pecs now. Formerly 5'8 Jason could get used to extra foot in height. “You want me to give you back the magic Speedo all of you were too chicken shit to test out?” Jason asked, his voice booming and a good octave lower than before.
Dan nodded, his sudden infatuation with the cobblestone bricks making up Jason's abs preventing him from speaking. Jason looked past his own pecs with a little difficulty and down to the yellow Speedo he was stretching out. He could just deny it to them, but that didn't seem like too much fun. He relished the feeling of every part of his body magically inflating with masculinity and size for a second longer, and then pulled the garment with a little difficulty of him. “There you go, little guy.” Jason said with a generous smile as he dropped the Speedo in Dan's hands. The small man almost looked a little suspicious at how easily the new black hulk had given up the magic item. Suspicions that were discarded in favor of eager excitement that he'd soon be top dog within the group of friends again.