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Farhan Ali Qadri is a renowned Naat Khawan from Pakistan and the first child of his clique who recite the naats at a very small age. He was of 5 years old when his first album was released. He achieved widespread appreciation for his work and composed many albums. Soon he becomes very popular because of his beautiful and lovely voice. His voice reflects his love for MUHAMMAD. He is well-known for his naats like “Noor Wala Aaya Ha”, “Hum Ko Bulana”, “Meran waliyon ke imam” and “Pata Pata Bota Bota” which are the most favorite naats of youngsters and for this, he has gained great cordiality of worldwide nation in a short period of time and considered to be one of the legendary Naat Khawans of child community. ENaats delivers you complete collection of Naats in High Quality.

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