ECOLOG • • • • • • • • • • Database Management System for Ecological Field Surveys ECOLOG is a specimen-based, cross-platform relational database management system, aimed at the storage, retrieval and preliminary analysis of data on sites, species, and specimens gathered in ecological field surveys and biodiversity inventories. The main goal of ECOLOG is to make the data gathered in ecological field surveys readily accessible, providing lists of species collected in the study area and informations on habitat preferences, abundance or rarity of a given species, biometrics, morphology, dominance, and spatial location of each specimen collected in the field. The system also aims at contributing to the adoption of a minimum standard for gathering, storing, and exchanging of data from ecological surveys and biodiversity inventories, avoiding duplication of efforts in different research and environmental management projects and institutions.
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Oct 10, 2017 - 1998-2017 Stephan Hennekens. Turboveg for Windows. 7 Linking an ecological database. 5 Import free format species data table.